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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Nicole & Skyler King got married in the San Diego LDS Temple on July 18, 2008. Roger was out of town so I had my friend Sarah Robinson and Romney Ellsworth help me out for the two days. I had so much fun with everyone involved. It was a great success =). Nicole and Sky were so fun and cute together. Much happiness to them and their new life together!

Thanks to 'So You Think You Can Dance' for the inspiration for this pose. Love it!

My fav shot from Romney.

It was so sweet watching Sky and his Mom dance. They both cried which of course made me cry. It was amazing.

What a gorgeous spot for a first dance eh?



Love how you are fearless to get the shots that make the awesome pics like climbing a tree! You guys are so good at capturing emotion and doing less posing. My hats off...great job!!!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

LOVE THEM!!!! They turned out great!

Matt and Mel Odell said...

These are honestly the best wedding pics I've ever seen, You guys are an amazing h&w team.

Matt and Melody Odell said...

By the way, I hope it's ok, I pasted a few for my blog, but did give you a good shout-out. Let me know if this is a no-no.